UCB's Global Corporate Website
Welcome to UCB in the United States



Committed to Advancing Science and Delivering Value for Patients

With more than 90 years of innovation, at UCB, we come together every day to work, laser-focused, on a simple question: How will this create value for people living with severe diseases? Learn more about who we are at UCB.



Elevating the Voice of People with MG

This month in honor of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Awareness Month, we have an opportunity to elevate the voices and needs of people with MG who remind us each day that our collective efforts can directly impact the everyday lives of MG patients – especially during times when immunocompromised individuals can face even more challenges than usual.



UCB+ as an Advocate for All

While many have felt the impact of the current environment, the members of UCB+, our employee resource group for the LGBTQ+ community and allies in UCB, recognize this time as an opportunity to lead. In commemoration of the 50th Atlanta Pride celebration, we’re pleased to share a little more about UCB+.